Changing V0 and callibrating Fridge heating, as well as measuring the noise on the angle readout
Noise on angle readout
noise on angle readout shown for V0 = 0.1V and V0 = 0.5V and V0 = 1V. (Rotator not moving and no active feedback)
- noise on angle readout for different V0 values:
noise difference between V0 = 0.5V and V0 = 1V not significant
Power v Tmc calibration
Measured Tmc equilibrated for V0 = 0.1,0.3,0.5,0.8, 1 and 2V:
- Power v Tmc calibration from V0 measurements:
Power v rotation Rate
- Power vs Rotation rate, and rotation rate v Tmc:
These rotation tests were carried out keeping the driving voltage constant (at 25V) and readout sensor voltage was also constant (0.5V).
The Power dissipated also depends on the driving voltage...
It was found that the rotator moves at a faster rate when sweeping UP in angle, than when sweeping down...(probably due to the tension in the sample loom).
AshwinSrinivasan - 24 Sep 2009