
This page explains what to do if the K100 fridge crashes.

Don't panic.

Take records and make fridge safe

  1. Record P1, P2, P3, P4, MC temperature, 1kpot temperature, pump temperatures.
  2. Turn all the heaters off
  3. Shut NW40 speedy valve
  4. Shut V5 to stop circulation
  5. Open V8 to dumps
  6. Open V9 to equalize still and condenser pressures

Identify the problem and Ring Oleh:

(A) 1k pot empty. If it is true 1kpot resistance < 3.1 kOhm.

  1. Check helium level. Fridge will not run if it is below XX%.
  2. Cool the 1k pot following the procedure from the fridge instructions. When 1kpot is cold:
  3. Open V5. Wait till both P1 and P3 <100 mbar.
  4. Close V9
  5. Follow the circulation procedure from the fridge instructions. (Please inert link to instructions here).

(B) Pumps are off. If it is true pump temperatures are ~room temperature (what does this mean???) or/and red light (mains failure) on the fridge electrical switchboard is on.

  1. Check the cooling fans on the blu pump box are running. Check exhaust air temperature.

(C) N2 traps are blocked

(D) He traps are blocked

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Topic revision: r1 - 02 Apr 2013, AlexHamilton
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