
How to take photos using the lab microscope (currently in LG48 - 27/9/11)


Setting up the camera

  1. Find the lab camera (Nikon D40). It tends to wander, but it usually lives in LG48 in the Tools, Bolts & Screws cupboard.
  2. In the box, find the microscope attachment. It looks like this:
  3. Unscrew the lens on the camera and replace it with the microscope attachment. To unscrew, press the release under the Fn button on the side of the camera. To screw the attachment on, align the red dot with the white dot on the camera and rotate the red dot to the top of the camera.
  4. Now place the camera onto the microscope. The attachment should slide into the tube on the left of the microscope.
  5. Put the camera in Manual mode. This is M on the dial on the top of the camera.
  6. On the side of the microscope, there is a switch labelled "100% Phot" and "Vis". Slide it to "100% Phot":DSC_0162.JPG
  7. It is now ready to take photos.

Taking photographs

  1. Set the camera in Manual mode (M on the top dial) if it is not already.
  2. For each magnification you will have to manually adjust the exposure. This will depend on the light you are using and the natural light in the room. To adjust the exposure, press the 'info' button on the camera and use the command dial (the dial on the back of the camera in the top right) to adjust the exposure. This is done in fractions of a second, so a larger number means a shorter exposure. Below is a guide for approximate exposures for each magnification:
Magnification Approximate exposure
x6.4 13
x16 8
x40 2.5

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I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
DSC_0152.JPGJPG DSC_0152.JPG manage 63 K 27 Sep 2011 - 01:31 SpencerRussett  
DSC_0161.JPGJPG DSC_0161.JPG manage 133 K 27 Sep 2011 - 01:31 SpencerRussett  
DSC_0162.JPGJPG DSC_0162.JPG manage 105 K 27 Sep 2011 - 01:31 SpencerRussett  
Topic revision: r3 - 09 Sep 2014, RoyLi
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