1) You need LabView installed.
2) SVN server address is
3) QEDmeas is installed by downloading it from the SVN server using the
TortoiseSVN version control software. To install QEDMeas, follow our guide to the
TortoiseSVN version control software -
QEDmeas_Instructions.doc. This has instuctions on how to install QEDmeas (i.e. download it from the SVN server) and also how to keep track of version changes for QEDMeas.
How QEDmeas works
List of QEDmeas VI's
Known issues and bugs to be fixed
Please put date and full detail. If you use this VI to read out X- and Y-values of a PE5210 lock-in amplifier, the recorded data will contain some artefacts, namely therecorded values jump down to zero from time to time. A way to work around this problem is, to use seperate VIs for reading out X- and Y-values and
If you use the seperate VIs for reading out X- and Y-values of the PE5210 you do not get any unexpected drops down to zero.
Sebastian Fricke-----01/12/2009 - the writing of text to the .sd file at the start of a sweep is poorly formatted:
3:24:52 PM, Fri, 18 Sep 2009, Sweep:, 1, B starts at:, 0.0000, B target:, 0.1000, sweep rate:, 0.1000
3:26:04 PM, Fri, 18 Sep 2009, Sweep: 1, B finished at: 0.1000, B target: 0.1000, sweep rate: 0.1000
- -
AlexHamilton - 20 Sep 2009
Suggested improvements
- Text box for comments: We need to include a text box for writing comments such as the experimental setup etc, that gets copied to the .sd file at the start of the experiment. This would go in
. Ideally this would also be loaded in automatically when importing a SD file, but not essential. -- AlexHamilton - 20 Sep 2009
- Proper sweep status data: Sometime you just want to record a few things at the start of a sweep - but don't need to record them for every data point. For example you might want to know what the temperature is at the start of a sweep, and the value of all gate voltages. But as a sweep normally only sweeps one thing at a time, this doesn't need to be recorded for every gate voltage. To some extent this is already done by file, in human readable form. But the existing .sd file doesn't allow you to specify which special things to record at the start (and end) of each sweep. So I propose that all sweep vi's should be modified to call a at the start of each sweep. The
is then just like the existing
, in that it just calls a user-defined set of variables to be recorded.-- AlexHamilton - 20 Sep 2009