
Sandboxie is a freeware program that we use to try to limit infection of our computers by users browsing the web. Sandboxie should be present on all QED computers - if it isn't, talk to Seb and get it installed!


Sandboxie is a program that keeps all your internet browsing data in a separate part of the HDD and when you finished your session and click "Delete Sandbox" all the data inside the Sandbox is deleted and therefore potential threats and viruses are removed from your system and can't infect your machine! The only thing you have to do is run your webbrowser and mail-client inside the sandbox. What you have to take into account is that when you download stuff from the net (papers, programs etc.) and save it on your HDD it is saved inside the sandbox and will be deleted when you delete the sandbox. You have to recover the downloaded stuff actively from the sandbox to store it permanently on your "real" HDD. This recovery option can be semi-automated: You can name folders and when you save something into such a folder Sandboxie will automatically ask you if you want to recover the saved file to the same location on your "real" HDD. Sandboxie is easy to handle and easy to use. So please make use of it to minimise the risk of virus-infected computers.


You can download your personal version of Sandboxie here: Sandboxie Download

You just have to download the file and double-click the icon to install Sandboxie on your machine. The installer will guide you through the installation.


Open the Sandboxie configuration panel by right-clicking onto the Sandboxie symbol in the task bar (next to the time) and choose "Show Window". In the window that shows up you select from the top-menu "Sandbox->Default Box->Sandbox Settings" and you end up with a window like this:


On the left hand side you can choose the topic that you want to configure for Sandboxie. "Recovery" allows you to enter folders for which the immediate recovery is switched on. "Applications" allows you to enter which type of browser or mail client you are using and you can set direct access to bookmarks, so that the bookmarks you set in Sandboxie will actually make it into the bookmark section of your browser and not disappear, when you delete the sandbox.

In Sandboxie it is also possible to get a warning message when you try to launch specific programs outside a sandbox (for instance: Firefox, Thunderbird). To set this up you have to click onto the Sandboxie icon in the taskbar and click "Show Window". Here you have to select "Configure" from the top drop down menu and select "Program Alerts":


If you have problems with any programs running in a sandbox you can try to resolve these problems by clicking onto "Software Compatability" and adjusting the settings.



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Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Sandboxie1.pngpng Sandboxie1.png manage 34 K 28 Aug 2009 - 04:37 AlexHamilton screenshot of sandboxie configuration
Sandboxie2.pngpng Sandboxie2.png manage 20 K 28 Aug 2009 - 04:38 AlexHamilton screenshot of sandboxie configuration
Sandboxie3.pngpng Sandboxie3.png manage 14 K 28 Aug 2009 - 04:41 AlexHamilton sandboxie screenshot of configuration
Sandboxie_1.JPGJPG Sandboxie_1.JPG manage 52 K 01 Sep 2010 - 05:53 SebastianFricke  
Sandboxie_1a.bmpbmp Sandboxie_1a.bmp manage 820 K 01 Sep 2010 - 06:15 SebastianFricke  
Sandboxie_2.JPGJPG Sandboxie_2.JPG manage 21 K 01 Sep 2010 - 06:16 SebastianFricke  
Sandboxie_3.JPGJPG Sandboxie_3.JPG manage 32 K 01 Sep 2010 - 06:23 SebastianFricke  
Topic revision: r3 - 01 Sep 2010, SebastianFricke
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