MILA 3000 rapid thermal annealer
Mila 3000 RTA. Contact Oleh before use. Attached are scanned Mila 3000 manual and SOP.
First time use of the annealer: Some OH&S
New OH&S requirements: You must read and sign the ULVAC MILA 3000 annealer docs SWP14
and RA14 located in LG51, before operating this equipment. This applies to new and existing users and is a
Workcoverrequirement to ensure that you understand the hazards, controls, and emergency procedures associated with the use of the Annealer. Ask Jack if you have
trouble locating these documents. This is not to be confused with the "on the job" training whereby we sign off people on their Equipment Operation
Certification Checklist, Individual, to work unsupervised with a particular piece of equipment.
The location of all QED paper based OH&S documents can be found by referring to the OHS Document and
Record Control Register located in WG8 or the
OhsDocs link.