Instructions for warming to Room Temp
This is assuming you have already recovered mixture and unloaded probe.
Warming Vector Fridge back to Room Temp
The Fridge should be already at 4K with mixture back in dumps, and probe out already. (Should be fine to do this while probe is still in as well...?)
- Make sure Mixture has already been recovered and Fridge is resting at ~4K
- Record He3 and He4 dump pressures in log book, and at this page: VectorFieldFridgeMixturePressureLog
- Close manual valves M1 and M2 to make sure mixture stays in dumps
- Close manual valve M4 because the automatic valve 15 leaks, and will fill the N2 trap with mixture otherwise.
- Turn magnet PSU's off
- Turn compressor monitoring software OFF on the laptop.
- STOP both compressors
- Turn cooling water off
- pump OVC using turbo pump (pump the line our first!)
- wait couple of days for it to warm up to room temp!
Note: IVC pressure will go up as exchange gas is released and warms up (25 mbar last time)
Also still pressure goes up.
OVC would go up too (upto 3 mbar last time) if it wasnt being pumped.
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