
Wafer from Cambridge. Received on 15/01/2020

This is an induced wafer.

Growth details

Here is a scan of the MBE growth sheet:

Essentially the growth is:W1558_growth_sheet.pdf

Al - 10 nm
GaAs - 2nm
AlGaAs - 33nm
GaAs -


Characterisation details

Here are characterisation data from the MBE growers (if available) - (insert scanned jpg here).

Here are some of our own characterisation data (insert jpg & details of measurement T, date, by whom, file location)



smb://infpwfs605.ad.unsw.edu.au/PHY/researchgroups/gqed/Yonatan/PhD/PhD Work/Projects/Epitaxial Aluminium/Cambridge/W15 batch/W1557/Measurements/SdH/SdHC - A3.2 RUN 2/SdHCAll.jpg


smb://infpwfs605.ad.unsw.edu.au/PHY/researchgroups/gqed/Yonatan/PhD/PhD Work/Projects/Epitaxial Aluminium/Cambridge/W15 batch/W1558/Measurements/SdH/SdHL - Symmetric/SdHLAll.jpg

Material usage

Here is a scanned copy of the wafer usage sheet from the measurement lab.

This should be updated regularly by whoever takes a piece of wafer.

Processing hints / tips

Please give details of processing that worked well for this wafer. Even a scan of a lab-book page, with details of contact resistances etc.


Topic revision: r2 - 23 Sep 2020, AlexHamilton
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