QEDWeeklyWorkshops QED Weekly workshops and journal clubs: * The first rule of journal club is that everybody talks in journal club. * These are informal wo...
VectorFieldFridgeCoolingToBase Procedure for starting the fridge after either loading the probe or cooling the whole thing from RT. Cool everything to 4K After l...
AMIMagnetPowerSupplyProblems Problems with AMI / Kepco magnet power supplies on the Bluefors LD250 Poseidon and Bluefors XLD fridges. Problem 1 (Poseidon Kepco S...
QED Laboratory Stuff This is where we will store all information related to experimental work. Lab Principles good laboratory practice The Ten Laboratory Comma...
QedBookingSystem Please keep the queue up to date. Thanks, Alex. Queue at a glance Here you list how long you need, plus any other information. * Heliox (250m...
QEDPubsTalks Please upload all papers here, and give details of talks and posters presented. Copies of talks posters should be deposited on the server, with a l...
VectorFieldFridgeCoolingFromRoomTemperature Any exceptional steps are marked as an exception and it is explained why this is so. Before starting the cool down: p...
Information on Computing and computer resources * ComputerDataBackups Backup your data weekly. Or lose it. * SettingUpPrinters How to set up QED printer...
IgorPro Getting Started See here for Video tutorials: http://www.wavemetrics.com/products/igorpro/videotutorials.htm Also Igo Pro has the full manual online as a...
WebTopBar Include main navigation with: Include meta navigation with: Include sections %INCLUDE{ "WebTopBar" section="topbarbutton" ID="" DESTWEB="" DEST...
RFElectronicComponents Inventory of QED Electronic Components Mixers Mini circuits ZEM 2B Coaxial Mixer Numb : 2 ZEM 2B.pdf Amplifiers Mini circuits ZFL 1000...
WG8 Big Kelvinox Dilution Fridge Operation Instructions. Instructions copied from QED server by ARH from APM's file dated 4 March 2003. 1. First cooldown. 1.1 P...
First Cooldown Cooling from RT to 77K. * Dripper should be out of the transfer port on the cryostat and N/V shut. This port is used to put LN in the main bat...
BlueForsXLDProbe1AFM Details of the AFMIII on the BlueForsXLD fridge. Specifications of the AFMIII Feixiang to insert Test data Scan data at room temperature o...
VectorFieldFridgeWarmingToRoomTemp Instructions for warming to Room Temp This is assuming you have already recovered mixture and unloaded probe. Warming Vector F...
LabToDoList QED Labs To Do List things that need to be doneSee also WishList QEDMeas 1. Fix up sweep vi logic : If target Start step size goto target 2. Crea...
VectorFieldSystemMagnetQuenches Here we document all the magnet quenches that have happened to the vector field system. Magnet Quenches Log 1. 27 Nov 2011 12:00...
SoftWare Microsoft Office UNSW has a site licence for MS Office. There is a copy on the QED network server. Don't use excel for data analysis use Igor. UNSW al...
QedMeas Installation 1) You need LabView installed. 2) SVN server address is https://phys.unsw.edu.au/svn/qedmeas 3) QEDmeas is installed by downloading it from ...
CryoMechCompressorSwitchToOrFromTownWater Instructions for switching a CryoMech compressor to/from town water. Switch to Town Water Do it in this order to avoid ...
Delft IVVI2 Rack NOTE: Proper setting of the COM port is required. Check with Oleh before use. Measurement rack designed for DC measurements of high resistance s...
PtypeAuto500Evaporator P type evaporator Allowed metals 1. Gold (Au). 2. Titanium (Ti). 3. Gold/Beryllium (Au(99%) : Be(1%)). Status of the evaporator ( Opera...
VectorFieldFridgeChiller This page details the Aquacooler chiller that provides cooling water to the CryoMech compressors in WG8A. Overview In 2012 a dedicated w...
PrinterDriverInstallationStepsbw step by step guide for the installation of printer p61 Installation of printer p61 For the installation of the printer driver fo...
PrinterDriverInstallationStepscolour step by step installation Installation of printer p7 To install the drivers for printer p7 you just have to unpack the atta...
ComputerDataBackups Update: As of 2017, the primary place that all data, Igor files, presentations etc should be stored is on the network drive, which is backed u...
K400FridgeSOPRemoval Removing the fridge from the dewar 1. Make the sample safe * Ground all gates, disconnect device, ground ohmics, Field @ 0T, RuOx off. ...
K400FridgeSOPRestarting Restarting the fridge 1. Stop pumping lines and IVC * Seal IVC at top of fridge, turn of turbo pump and disconnect. * Stop pumping...
WG8 Big Kelvinox Dilution Fridge Operation Instructions. Instructions copied from QED server by ARH from APM's file dated 4 March 2003. First cooldown. This is o...
K100 Kelvinox Dilution Fridge Operation Instructions. *These instructions need to be edited in the raw text mode! * Note that 3 spaces and an asterisk will genera...
VectorFieldFridgeProbe1ColdFinger2Noise The noise on the DC wirings of the Probe was measured with Standford SR760 FFT Spectrum Analyzer. 130kHz LPF on the Standf...
BlueForsxLDFridgeInstallationTimelapse Installation of the new BlueFors xLD fridge at UNSW in January 2017.Note this page does not contain technical photos / info...
TaborWX1284 Following shows the A B measurement with Tek 5014C Low frequency noise Measured with SR760 spectrum analyzer. Measurement range 0~100 kHz. Window BMH...
QED Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the QED web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and , and can be ov...
Li75A NF LI75A Low Noise Preamplifier The manual is attached here: LI 7576PS70A.pdf DC power supply info: Another_DC_power_supply_instead_of_PS 70A.pdf ...
Welcome to the QED wiki This is the wiki for the QED group. It is used to exchange information, advice, tips, brief reports, publications, ... everything from th...
VectorFridgeMagnetPowerSupplyNonlinearity Comparison of the linearity of different superconducting magnet power supplies, connected to the 9T magnet on our 9/5/1T...
VectorFridgeShutDown260912 Unexpected shutdown of vector fridge on 26 09 2012 Magnet temperatures as I found them. Magnets are hot! Fridge temperatures as I fo...
VectorMagnetOperatingInstructionsDAQVectorMode Swiching the power supplies to Vector mode to do... Starting the software BEFORE STARTING THE SOFTWARE: Are AL...
VectorFieldFridgeProblemsWithNewFirmwareJuly2013 This page documents the problems we are experiencing with the Leiden cryofree fridge since installing the new Fir...
VectorFieldFridgeIssuesWithLabviewCompatability These are the issues we are having running our version of LabView8.2, while trying to run the magnet control soft...
TaborWX2182B Demo Arbitrary Waveform Generator ARB unit brought in by Tristen Tan tristen.tan@triotest.com.au for us to test. The unit was taken to David Reilly...
Tektronix5014C The Tektronix 5014C AWG is tested with sr760 fft spectrum analyzer. The spectrum range is 0 to 100kHz. The carrier Vpp = 0.5V The results are liste...