Spin States of the First Four Holes in a Silicon Nanowire Quantum Dot

Floris Zwanenburg, CQCT

In my talk I will discuss measurements on a silicon nanowire quantum dot with a clarity that allows for a complete understanding of the spin states of the first four holes. First, we show control of the hole number down to one. Detailed measurements at perpendicular magnetic fields reveal the Zeeman splitting of a single hole in silicon. We are able to determine the ground-state spin configuration for one to four holes occupying the quantum dot and find a spin filling with alternating spin-down and spin-up holes, which is confirmed by magnetospectroscopy up to 9 T. Finally, I will argue that we may have observed the (near) degeneracy of heavy and light hole bands through different capacitances as a result of different charge distributions of the corresponding orbitals.

Floris Zwanenburg

Nano Letters, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 1071-1079 (2009).
Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 105, Issue 12, p. 124314 (2009).


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Topic revision: r1 - 15 Dec 2009, AlexHamilton
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