Quantum Electronic Devices


Low temperature measurement facilities




BlueFors cryofree xLD fridge with top-loading insert and 5-1-1T Vector Magnet.

See BlueForsxLDFridgeInstallationTimelapse for the installation videos.
Newton G14
BF-IMG_2422.jpg BF-P1220612.jpg BlueFors cryofree LD250 bottom loader with 6/1/1 vector magnet.
Bottom loading probe with high frequency wiring.
Old Main LG49

Leiden cryofree 9-5-1T top-loading Vector field fridge (5T and 1T magnets offline until they can be repaired).

Base temperature below 50mK.
Newton G14

Offline due to catastrophic cryogenic failure frown, sad smile

Kelvinox-400 He3/He4 dilution refrigerator with 15T magnet and in-situ 2 axis piezoelectric rotator with 0.01° accuracy. Base temperature < 20mK.
Old Main LG48

Heliox 3He cryostat with 2T magnet.

Base temperature <250mK, hold time >100 hours.
Old Main LG48
15-300K cryogen free system with 1T resistive magnet Old main LG12
EDIT__(59)_good.JPG 4K DC dipsticks for rapid sample assessment Old Main LG48
2018-RFprobe-small.JPG 4K RF dipstick, with cryoamplifier for testing RF matching networks Newton G14

Device fabrication facilities

Oxygen free glovebox with micromanipulator stage for 2D crystal heterostructure stacking G12
Beneq Atomic Layer Deposition System G12
Rapid thermal annealer G12
Australian National Nanofabrication Facility (ANFF) (50m down the hall) with superb cleanroom facilities, including full optical and electron beam lithography capabilities. ANFF

Topic revision: r20 - 19 May 2022, AlexHamilton