News Archive
- 18 July 2022
- Welcome to new QED group member, Dr. Joe Hillier.
- 15 July 2022
- Matt's paper on using electric fields to control spin splitting in a solid state spin-dependent mass spectrometer has been published:
M. J. Rendell, S. D. Liles, A. Srinivasan, O. Klochan, I. Farrer, D. A. Ritchie, and A. R. Hamilton,
Gate voltage dependent Rashba spin splitting in hole transverse magnetic focusing, Phys. Rev. B 105, 245305 (2022). and
- 5 Apr 2022
- Sydney Quantum Academy PhD scholarships now available for projects in the QED group:
- 26 Mar 2022
- Congrats to Honours student Olivia Kong, and Dr. Matthew Rendell, whose work with our colleagues at TUDelft studying the fractional quantum Hall effect of holes in germanium quantum wells has been featured on the cover of Applied Physics Letters, and chosen as an 'Editor's Pick':
M. Lodari, O. Kong, M. Rendell, A. Tosato, A.Sammak, M. Veldhorst, A. R. Hamilton, and G. Scappucci,
Lightly-strained germanium quantum wells with hole mobility exceeding one million, Applied Physics Letters 120, 12210 (2022).
- 1 Jan 2022
- A big year ahead. Welcome to summer scholarship students Jacinta May, Krittika Kumar, Jeremy George and Marcus To, as well as new PhD students Isaac Vorreiter, Abhay Gupta and Aaquib Shamim; Jeremy and Krittika will also be doing Honour research projects in the group.
- 20 Dec 2021
- A great way to finish the year! Congratulations to Scott Liles and colleagues for their paper on the unexpected effects of non-uniform strain on single hole quantum dots published as an Editor’s choice in Physical Review B -
- 25 Nov 2021
- Congratulations to Dr. Matthew Rendell on being awarded the Dean's Award for outstanding Ph.D. Theses
- 12 Aug 2021
- A new approach to making ultra-low noise quantum devices from a single crystal: Yonatan's new paper in Applied Physics Letters, selected as an Editor’s pick, reports a new way to make transistors in which the metal gate electrode is grown as part of the single crystal heterostructure. This eliminates unwanted charge noise and scattering from surface states, and allows ultra-shallow, high mobility 2D electron systems and stable quantum devices:
Y. Ashlea Alava, D. Q. Wang, C. Chen, D. A. Ritchie, O. Klochan, and A. R. Hamilton, High electron mobility and low noise quantum point contacts in an ultra-shallow all-epitaxial metal gate GaAs/AlxGa1−xAs heterostructure, Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 063105 (2021).
- 6 Aug 2021
- Congratulations to Aydin and Daisy: their paper in Physical Review X, reporting that electrons in a transistor can behave like a super-viscous fluid, has been selected for a feature article in the American Physical Society’s Physics Magazine:
- 1 May 2021
- We are hiring! We have an opening for a postdoctoral research fellow to work on experimental measurement of hole spin qubits (Hole_Spin_Qubits_2021_Advert.pdf). Spin-3/2 holes are cool because you can manipulate their magnetic spin just with an electric field, and they have lots of interesting properties that electrons don't. Some details on the position are here: One of our recent works is here, and others are linked below:
- 2 Apr 2021
- Two new papers on the theory of hole spin qubits:
Zhanning and colleagues' new results overturn the conventional wisdom that fast operation implies reduced lifetimes in spin qubits, and suggest group IV hole spin qubits are an ideal platforms for ultra-fast, highly coherent scalable quantum computing.
Z. Wang, E. Marcellina, A.R. Hamilton, J. H. Cullen, S. Rogge, J. Salfi and D. Culcer,
Optimal operation points for ultrafast, highly coherent Ge hole spin-orbit qubits, npj Quantum Inf. 7, 54 (2021).
This is complemented by a second paper in PRB reports which investigates the properties of germanium hole spin qubits:
LA Terrazos, E Marcellina, Zhanning Wang, SN Coppersmith, Mark Friesen, AR Hamilton, Xuedong Hu, Belita Koiller, AL Saraiva, Dimitrie Culcer, Rodrigo B Capaz,
Theory of hole-spin qubits in strained germanium quantum dots, Physical Review B 103, 125201 (2021). and
- 17 Mar 2021
- Our new study of hydrodynamic flow of an electron liquid in a perfect pipe is on the archive.
This is really neat - fluid flow has major practical consequences, from lab on a chip devices to rocket design. At low temperatures the motion of electrons in clean solid, which we usually think of as individual particles bouncing around off impurities and thermal vibrations, is transformed into the collective motion of a viscous fluid. The fluid viscosity is a universal and intrinsic property of the electron system. However this universal nature is hard to detect experimentally, as hydrodynamics is mainly detected through the interaction of the fluid with the sample boundaries (think of a rough pipe vs a smooth pipe), and this is an unknown quantity that varies between experiments. In their preprint Aydin and Daisy eliminated the boundary problem by creating electronic devices with perfectly smooth walls, and then reintroduced viscous flow by engineering obstacles into the boundaries. This made it possible to clearly observe a transition to hydrodynamic electron motion, driven by decreasing temperature (which is expected) and also by increasing magnetic field (which is not). The precision of the new experiments allowed the electron quasiparticle lifetime to be measured over a wide temperature range, revealing an unexpected deviation from existing theoretical models.
Aydın Cem Keser, Daisy Q. Wang, Oleh Klochan, Derek Y. H. Ho, Olga A. Tkachenko, Vitaly A. Tkachenko, Dimitrie Culcer, Shaffique Adam, Ian Farrer, David A. Ritchie, Oleg P. Sushkov, Alexander R. Hamilton, Geometric control of universal hydrodynamic flow in a two dimensional electron fluid,
- 4 Jan 2021
- Karina's paper reporting a new way to detect the spin-gap, a pre-requisite for topological Majorana Zero Modes, has just appeared in Nature Communications! Congratulations on a beautiful experiment and theory collaboration.
K. L. Hudson, A. Srinivasan, O. Goulko, J. Adam, Q. Wang, L. A. Yeoh, O. Klochan, I. Farrer, D. A. Ritchie, A. Ludwig, A. D. Wieck, J. von Delft & A. R. Hamilton, New signatures of the spin gap in quantum point contacts,
Nature Communications 12, 5 (2021).
- 18 Dec 2020
- Congratulations to three undergraduates who have won six week summer research scholarships: Cory Aitchison and Nick Zaunders won Sydney Quantum Academy Undergraduate Research Scholarships, and Krittika Kumar won a FLEET scholarship. See what they got up to here:
- 4 Nov 2020
- Our new results showing how to dramatically improve the reproducibility of quantum devices (needed if we are going to scale them up to complex circuits) has just been published:
A. Srinivasan, I. Farrer, D. A. Ritchie, and A. R. Hamilton, Improving reproducibility of quantum devices with completely undoped architectures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 183101 (2020). and
- 27 Oct 2020
- Summer Vacation Scholarships are available in the QED group for high achieving undergraduate students. Details are here SummerVacationScholarships2020.
- August 2020
- Congratulations to Karina Hudson, who has been awarded a highly-competitive 3 year Sydney Quantum Academy Fellowship (equivalent to a DECRA).
- 23 Jul 2020
- Congratulations to Daisy Wang on her paper in Applied Physics Letters reporting a new approach to making lateral surface superlattices for artificial crystals in conventional electronic transistors: DQ Wang, D Reuter, AD Wieck, AR Hamilton, and O Klochan: "Two-dimensional lateral surface superlattices in GaAs heterostructures with independent control of carrier density and modulation potential", Applied Physics Letters 117 (3), 032102 (2020).
- 15 Jul 2020
- Applications now open for the 2020 Sydney Quantum Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships. Closing date: Tuesday 11 August 2020. The QED team offers projects in topological systems and quantum computing.To apply, click here. Contact and cc: for further information.
- 13 May 2020
- Sydney Quantum Academy Postgraduate PhD Scholarships The QED team currently offers PhD projects in topological systems and quantum computing.
For more information and to apply, click here. Contact and CC: for further information.
- 29 Feb 2020
- Another Rapid Communication in Physical Review B: With David Neilson and our collaborators in Europe we have a new paper on excitonic superfluidity in semiconductor devices: "Experimental conditions for observation of electron-hole superfluidity in GaAs heterostructures", Samira Saberi-Pouya, Sara Conti, Andrea Perali, Andrew F. Croxall, Alexander R. Hamilton, Francois M. Peeters, David Neilson. A preprint is here:
- 24 Feb 2020
- Congratulations to Dr. Liles upon the award of his Ph.D. thesis “Single hole spins in silicon quantum dots”.
- 21 Feb 2020
- First paper of the year: Congratulations to Elizabeth Marcellina, whose paper reporting a new signature of topological physics in classical physics properties has just been been accepted for publication as a Rapid Communication in Physical Review B: "Signatures of quantum mechanical Zeeman effect in classical transport due to topological properties of two-dimensional spin-3/2 holes", E. Marcellina, Pankaj Bhalla, A. R. Hamilton, Dimitrie Culcer. The preprint is here:
- 11 Feb 2020
- Scott Liles is at ICONN 2020 presenting a talk on Strong electric control of a single hole g-factor
- 22 Jan 2020
- We're excited to be installing our new dilution fridge, and have already made some cutting edge breakthroughs in an effort to deepen the understanding of holes. Link.
- 20 Dec 2019
- Congratulations to Dr. Karina Hudson, who has just been awarded a Dean’s Award for her Outstanding PhD Thesis.
- 11 Dec 2019
- Well done again to Matthew Rendell, who won a best poster award at the FLEET annual workshop.
- 4 Dec 2019
- New funding for QED research. Alex Hamilton, with collaborators Daniel Loss in Basel, Giordano Scappucci in TU Delft, and David Ritchie in Cambridge, have won an ARC Discovery Grant to investigate hole spins for quantum information applications.
- 27 Nov 2019
- Congratulations to Matthew Rendell! His poster won the popular vote during the combined Gordon Godfrey Workshop / Physics in Sydney Research Showcase poster session.
- 25 Nov 2019
- Welcome to Prof. Ding Zhang, visiting from Tsinghua university.
- 17 Nov 2019
- Menghan Liao from Tsinghua University is visiting to conduct experiments with Dr Feixiang Xiang, using a low-temperature measurement system with 15 Tesla superconducting magnet and 2 axis rotator.
- 22 Nov 2019
- Welcome to Prof. David Neilson, visiting the QED group from the University of Antwerp for the next 3 months.
- 5 Nov 2019
- Two new papers on electron-hole superfluidity posted on the arXiv preprint server.
i) In "Experimental conditions for observation of electron-hole superfluidity in GaAs heterostructures", S. Saberi-Pouya, S. Conti, A. Perali, A.F. Croxall, A.R. Hamilton, F.M. Peeters, and D. Neilson review the consitions necessary to observe superfluidity in GaAs devices, explaining why it is easier to do this with optical than electrical measurements, and suggest new electrical measurements to detect the exciton condensation.
ii) In "Three-dimensional electron-hole superfluidity in a superlattice close to room temperature", M. Van der Donck, S. Conti, A. Perali, A. R. Hamilton, B. Partoens, F. M. Peeters, and D. Neilson show how to overcome the Mermin-Wagner limitation that hinders two-dimensional superfluids, predicting superfluid transition temperatures that can conveniently be accessed with a domestic refrigerator.
- 14-16 Oct 2019
- Ik Kyeong and Alex are at the 2019 Silicon Quantum Electronics in San Sebastian, Spain.
- 19 Sept 2019
- Welcome to Lucas Glover, Seamus Lilley and Krittika Kumar, who are undertaking "Taste of Research" projects in the QED laboratories this term. 9 Sept 2019 Congratulations to Scott Liles on submitting his PhD thesis. Construction of our new laboratory has begun!
- 19 Aug 2019
- Matt Rendell is visiting our collaborators at TUDelft in the Netherlands thanks to a CSIRO Travel Scholarship.
- 10 July 2019
- Congratulations to Feixiang Xiang and Pankaj Sharma, whose paper reporting the first observation of a native ferroelectric metal has just appeared in Science Advances (A room-temperature ferroelectric semimetal,
- 11 June 2019
- Generously funded Scientia PhD Scholarships are available to study topological electronics in atomically thin materials. The scholarship is fully funded for 4 years (including all university tuition fees, AUS$40k (US$30k) annually for living expenses, and an additional research/travel budget), and is open to applicants from any nationality.
The research project will involve the fabrication and study of 2D topological materials. In 2010, the Nobel prize in physics was awarded for groundbreaking experiments on the atomically thin two-dimensional material graphene, which Geim and Novoselov showed could be made with sticky tape! Later, in 2016 the prize was awarded for the theoretical discoveries of topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter. These two fields have recently come together, opening a new avenue for the study of topological electronics in atomically thin materials, with potential applications in future low-energy electronics and topologically protected quantum computers
This experimental research project will fabricate and study 2D topological materials such as monolayer WTe2, a topological 2D material that can be exfoliated to form atomically thin devices that exhibit semiconducting, superconducting, topological insulating, and ferroelectric states. The successful applicants will work in the national ARC Centre of Excellence FLEET and learn fabrication of electronic devices using state-of-the-art systems both in the FLEET labs and ANFF-UNSW cleanrooms. The successful applicants will also use advanced low-temperature and high magnetic field measurement systems in QED labs to perform quantum transport measurement and examine the transport properties.
Applicants should have a good academic record (2:1 or 1st class). The Scientia program is for future leaders, so applicants who can demonstrate their excellence and enthusiasm in science or leadership through activities such as research internships, scientific publications, teaching activities, competitive sports, industrial experience, leadership in sports or social clubs, voluntary work, etc., are strongly encouraged. Women and minorities are strongly supported by FLEET and encouraged to apply.
- 23 May 2019
- Dr. Semonti Bhattacharyya from Monash University is visiting us for two days.
- 13-17 May 2019
- Feixiang and Alex are visiting collaborators at NUS in Singapore, before going to Beijing to present work at a special symposium on topological materials and spin-orbit coupling at Tsinghua University.
- 8 March 2019
- Karina, Yonatan, Matt and Alex are giving talks at the 2019 APS March meeting of the American Physical Society in Boston.
- 15 Feb 2019
- Congratulations to Matthew Rendell, 2019 CSIRO Alumni Scholarship winner. He will use the scholarship award to visit the QUTech group at TU Delft in the Netherlands
- 29 Jan 2019
- Golrokh Akhgar's paper studying the g-factor of holes in surface conducting diamond is now published in Physical Review B - well done Gol! g-factor and well-width fluctuations as a function of carrier density in the two-dimensional hole accumulation layer of transfer-doped diamond, G. Akhgar, D.L Creedon, A. Stacey, D.I. Hoxley, J.C. McCallum, A.R Hamilton, and C.I. Pakes, Physical Review B 99, 035159 (2019).
- 8 Nov 2018
- Women in FLEET Fellowships are opening soon. We are encouraging applications for Women in FLEET Postdoctoral Fellowships, to be held at UNSW Sydney. The Fellowship Program aims to attract and retain the highest research performers, and is open to national and international applicants. The appointment is for up to three years, with possibility of part-time arrangements. The level of appointment will be commensurate with the research experience and performance standards for academic Levels A/B (salary in the range of $70k to $150k). Candidates within 5 years of the conferral date of their PhD are eligible to apply. The eligibility period may be extended to take into account career interruptions.
We are seeking applications to work in experimental condensed matter physics, in areas related to the group's activities in:
(1) 2D layered materials which can support dissipationless states, such as topological materials and bilayer excitonic condensates.
(2) Hole based quantum electronics for topological electronics: We are exploiting the unique properties of semiconductor holes to develop new platforms for realising topological superconductivity and topological devices.
Applicants should have strong track record in Experimental Physics, and evidence of making significant advances in their fields. For specific questions related to this fellowship please contact Prof Alex Hamilton
- 20 Aug 2018
- Hong and Elizabeth's paper explaining how spin-orbit interactions in a 2D hole system can cause a 30% change in the classical Hall slope has just appeared in Physical Review Letters: "Strong Spin-Orbit Contribution to the Hall Coefficient of Two-Dimensional Hole Systems", Hong Liu, E. Marcellina, A. R. Hamilton, and Dimitrie Culcer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 087701 (2018). It's been chosen as an Editor's suggestion! (Elizabeth's other paper was featured in the American Physical Society's news journal Physics!)
- 23 Jul 2018
- Welcome (back) to Ian and Olivia, who are doing "Taste of Research" projects this semester. They're getting plenty of hands-on experience in the labs and cleanrooms - lots of fun.
- 19 Jul 2018
- Scott and Roy's beautiful work studying artificial hole atoms made of silicon quantum dots has been accepted for publication in Nature Communications. The work, part of our collaboration with Andrew Dzurak's group, shows artificial atoms made using one to 8 holes, where we can see the atomic orbitals filling up according to Hund's rules, and even determine the spin states - really cool. "Spin filling and orbital structure of the first six holes in a silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor quantum dot", S. D. Liles, R. Li, C. H. Yang, F. E. Hudson, M. Veldhorst, A. S. Dzurak, A. R. Hamilton,
- 28 Jun 2018
- Another paper accepted for Physical Review Letters: "Multiband Mechanism for the Sign Reversal of Coulomb Drag Observed in Double Bilayer Graphene Heterostructures" by M. Zarenia, A.R. Hamilton, F.M. Peeters, and D. Neilson is a theory paper with our colleagues explaining the unexpected experimental observations of negative Coulomb drag reported by two separate research groups in Colombia and University of Texas (Austin). A preprint is available here:
- 27 Jun 2018
- Feixiang's paper, studying how the van der Waals crystal Tungsten Ditelluride changes its electronic structure from a 3D Weyl semimetal as it is mane into nanometer thick flakes, has been accepted for Physical Review B: "Thickness dependent electronic structure in WTe2 thin films", Fei-Xiang Xiang, Ashwin Srinivasan, Oleh Klochan, Shi-Xue Dou, Alex R. Hamilton, and Xiao-Lin Wang. A preprint is available here:
- 22 Jun 2018
- Elizabeth and Ashwin's paper reporting "Electrical control of the Zeeman spin splitting in two-dimensional hole systems" has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters! Well done all!
"Electrical control of the Zeeman spin splitting in two-dimensional hole systems", Elizabeth Marcellina, Ashwin Srinivasan, Dmitry Miserev, Andrew Croxall, David Ritchie, Ian Farrer, Oleg Sushkov, Dimitrie Culcer, Alex Hamilton. A preprint is available here:
- 1 May 2018
- Cheng Tan from Lan Wang's group at RMIT is visiting us to perform magnetoresistance measurements of 2D van-der Waals heterostructure devices.
- 17 Apr 2018
- Congratulations to Ian Thorvaldson on winning the Physics Staff Prize for Physics I.
- 10 Apr 2018
- Daisy has been invited to the 4th Silk Road International Symposium for Distinguished Young Scholars to be held at Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) from April 11-15, 2018
- 12 Mar 2018
- Welcome to new Honours student Isaac Vorreiter.
- 5 Mar 2018
- Matt and Alex are giving talks at the 2018 APS March meeting of the American Physical Society in Los Angeles.
- 28 Feb 2018
- Daisy is off to Japan, to make some new samples at Tohuku university.
- 30 Jan 2018
- Daisy is presenting an invited talk at the 2018 International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Wollongong. Feixiang, Matt and Scott are each giving oral talks as well.
- 24 Jan 2018
- Congratulations to our collaborators Golrokh Akhgar, Daniel Creedon and all the team on the diamond project, whose experiments measuring the spin splitting and interface roughness for two-dimensional holes in surface conducting diamond have just appeared in Applied Physics Letters, and been selected as the cover article:
g-factor and well width variations for the two-dimensional hole gas in surface conducting diamond, G. Akhgar, D.L. Creedon, L.H. Willems van Beveren, A. Stacey, D.I. Hoxley, J.C. McCallum, L. Ley, A.R. Hamilton, and C.I. Pakes, Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 042102 (2018);
- 8 Jan 2018
- Karina, Matt and Feixiang have been in Canberra at the 2018 Summer School on Topological Matter.
- 16 November 2017
- Congratulations to Dr. Elizabeth Marcellina !
- 30 October 2017
- The 2017 Gordon Godfrey Workshop on Spins and Strong Correlations will be held at UNSW from Monday 30th October – Friday 3rd November, with an impressive line-up of leading national and international speakers.
The workshop is FREE, and we are particularly encouraging Honours students, Masters/PhD, postdocs and ECRs to attend. There will also be an evening poster session for which we are encouraging submissions. We look forward to seeing you there.
- 27 September 2017
- Some of UNSW's first year science students have been having fun measuring the Quantum Hall Effect in the QED group research labs under the watchful supervision of Karina Hudson, a PhD student in the QED group. The students used a helium-3 refrigerator to cool ultra-high quality gallium arsenide semiconductor chips to -273.4°C (0.25 degrees above absolute zero), and a superconducting magnet to study the Hall effect. The chips contain a thin (two-dimensional) sheet of highly mobile electrons, and at these low temperatures the students confirmed that the Hall resistance develops flat plateaus, where the Hall resistance depends only on the electron charge and Planck's constant, while the resistivity drops to zero. The unexpected discovery of the quantum Hall effect resulted in the 1985 Nobel Prize in Physics (and the fractional quantum Hall effect resulted in the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics).
- 22 August 2017
- Welcome to new group member Jonathan Ashlea-Alava, who joins us from Spain to start his PhD.
- 14 August 2017
- Congratulations to Dima and Ashwin, whose combined theory and experimental paper resolving a 10-year old mystery has just been accepted into Physical Review Letters.
More than a decade ago QED researchers showed that the Zeeman splitting of holes in 1D wires was much larger if the magnetic field is applied along the wire than perpendicular to it, and this result was later confirmed by several other experimental groups. The anisotropic Zeeman splitting is a manifestation of the spin-orbit interaction, however, the mechanism of the effect has remained unclear in spite of a decade of intensive experimental and theoretical work. In the new work Dima Miserev and Oleg Sushkov show that this anisotropy is due to a new contribution to the Zeeman spin splitting that has previously been overlooked. A preprint is available here:
Mechanisms for strong anisotropy of in-plane g-factors in hole based quantum point contacts, D. S. Miserev, A. Srinivasan, I. Farrer, D. A. Ritchie, A. R. Hamilton, and O. P. Sushkov,
- 20 July 2017
- Welcome to new QED group member Frederico Martins, who joins us from the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen.
- 30 June 2017
- A generously funded Scientia Scholarship is available to for a PhD project to study hole quantum dots.
The scholarship is fully funded for 4 years (including all university tuition fees, AUS$40k (US$30k) annually for living expenses, and an additional research/travel budget), and is open to applicants from any nationality.
The research project will investigate hole spins in quantum dots. In the past decade intense research has been devoted in trapping electrons trapped in semiconductor quantum dots, initially to study the fundamental properties of artificial atoms, and subsequently to use the spin of the electrons as the basis for quantum information technologies.
To date almost all research has focussed on the properties of electrons in semiconductor quantum dots. However very recent theoretical work suggests that that using positively charged semiconductor holes, rather than negatively charged electrons, may bring significant advantages – as well revealing much unexplored new physics. This is because of the much stronger spin-orbit interaction that exists in holes than electrons, allowing the hole spins to be manipulated simply by applying an electric field. The PhD candidate will study holes trapped in semiconductor quantum dots, to perform all electrical control of hole spins, and to test if holes can make good quantum bits. Experiments will be conducted at ultra-low temperatures, using ultra-low noise electrical measurement and control techniques.
The project is a collaborative effort between Scientia Professor Alex Hamilton in the Department of Physics and Scientia Professor Andrew Dzurak in the department of Electrical Engineering & Telecommunications.
- 8 June 2017
- Four fridges cold! We have all four dilution fridges cold, running lots of cool experiments.
- 5 May 2017
- Jo-Tzu and Elizabeth's paper on the theory of spin-bloackade of holes in quantum dots been accepted for publication in PRB: "Spin blockade in hole quantum dots: Tuning exchange electrically and probing Zeeman interactions", J.T. Hung, E. Marcellina, B. Wang, A. R. Hamilton, and D. Culcer, Phys. Rev. B 95, 195316 (2017),
- 10 Apr 2017
- Scott and Daisy have gone to Denmark to conduct experiments at the Centre for Quantum Devices in the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen. Have a great trip!
- 5 Apr 2017
- Well done to Ashwin, Dima and Karina; their paper showing that we can detect the signatures of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions in hole quantum point contacts, and even control their interplay by changing the substrate orientation, has just been published in Physical Review Letters: "Detection and Control of Spin-Orbit Interactions in a GaAs Hole Quantum Point Contact", A. Srinivasan, D. S. Miserev, K. L. Hudson, O. Klochan, K. Muraki, Y. Hirayama, D. Reuter, A. D. Wieck, O. P. Sushkov, and A. R. Hamilton, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 146801 (2017). with a preprint here:
- 1 Feb 2017
- The new fridge, which we are thinking will either be called Dreadnought or Leviathan, cools below 7mK.
- 17 Jan 2017
- Congratulations to Elizabeth on her first paper! Her work on the theory of 2D hole systems in heterojunction devices in different material systems has been accepted for PRB and chosen as an Editor's choice: "Spin-orbit interactions in inversion-asymmetric two-dimensional hole systems: A variational analysis", E. Marcellina, A. R. Hamilton, R. Winkler, and Dimitrie Culcer, to appear in Phys Rev B. Preprint is here
- 23 Jan 2017
- Installation of our new fridge has started - see BlueForsxLDFridgeInstallationTimelapse for details.
- 24 Nov 2016
- Well done to Daisy, whose paper reporting the first measurements of anisotropic spin blockade in a spin-3/2 heavy hole system has just been accepted for publication in Nano Letters: D.Q. Wang, O. Klochan, J-T Hung, D. Culcer, I. Farrer, D.A. Ritchie, and .R. Hamilton, Anisotropic Pauli Spin Blockade of Holes in a GaAs Double Quantum Dot, Nano Lett., accepted: November 24, (2016).
- 8 Sept 2016
- Congratulations to Oleh Klochan, Oleg Sushkov, Dimi Culcer and Alex Hamilton in the School of Physics, as well as Jan Seidel and Nagarajan Valanoor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering, on the successful ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low Energy Electronics Technologies (FLEET). The Centre will receive $33M in ARC funding over the next 7 years. It is headquartered at Monash University, with a major presence at UNSW, and will develop the scientific foundations for fundamentally new types of electronic conduction based on topological properties of matter, with potential for future low energy electronics technologies.
- 18 July 2016
- Well done to Ashwin, Karina and Dima - their paper reporting a direct measurement of the magnitude and sign of the g-factor of holes in a quantum point contact has just appeared as a Rapid Communication in Physical Review B: A. Srinivasan, K. L. Hudson, D. Miserev, L. A. Yeoh, O. Klochan, K. Muraki, Y. Hirayama, O. P. Sushkov, and A. R. Hamilton, Electrical control of the sign of the g factor in a GaAs hole quantum point contact, Phys. Rev. B 94, 041406(R) (2016).
- 8 July 2016
- Congratulations to Daisy Wang and Oleh Klochan - their paper on a novel double layer gate architecture for making hole quantum dots has just been published: D Q Wang, A R Hamilton, I Farrer, D A Ritchie and O Klochan, Double-layer-gate architecture for few-hole GaAs quantum dots, Nanotechnology 27, 334001 (2016).
- 17 May 2016
- Congratulations to Golrokh Akhgar (LaTrobe), Oleh Klochan (UNSW) and Chris Pakes' diamond team at LaTrobe University: their paper reporting that it is possible to tune the strength of the spin-orbit interaction of 2D holes in surface conducting diamond transistors, has just been accepted by Nano Letters: Strong and Tunable Spin–Orbit Coupling in a Two-Dimensional Hole Gas in Ionic-Liquid Gated Diamond Devices, G. Akhgar, O. Klochan, L.H. Willems van Beveren, M.T. Edmonds, F. Maier, B.J. Spencer, J.C. McCallum, L. Ley, A.R. Hamilton, and C.I. Pakes, Nano Letters (in press, 2016). See
- 25 April 2016
- Congratulations to Tommy Li and LaReine Yeoh - their paper reporting the observation of non-adiabatic spin dynamics (equivalent to a non-abelian Berry phase) in a 2D hole system has just been accepted for publication: Manifestation of a non-Abelian Berry phase in a p-type semiconductor system, T. Li, L.A. Yeoh, A. Srinivasan, O. Klochan, D. A. Ritchie, M.Y. Simmons, O.P. Sushkov, and A.R. Hamilton, Physical Review B 93, 205424 (2016). See
- 11 Mar 2016
- Elizabeth Marcellina is off to Baltimore to present her work at the 2016 March Meeting of the American Physical Society.
- 29 Feb 2016
- Welcome to new Honours student Jarrod Adam.
- 31 Jan 2016
- Congratulations to Dr. Daisy Wang !
- 28 Jan 2016
- Congratulations to Matt Rendell, whose paper on magnetic focussing of holes has been selected by the Editorial Board as one of the Semiconductor Science and Technology Highlights of 2015.
- 18 Jan 2016
- Welcome to two new group members: Honours student Yonatan, and undergraduate vacation scholar Isaac.
- 7 Jan 2016
- Congratulations to Dr. Roy Li !
- 3 Nov 2015
- Grant success - the QED group and collaborators in the UK, Germany and New Zealand have won a $480,000 ARC grant to investigate the spin properties of holes in nanostructures. This is a real testament to the hard work of so many members of the group. Looks like it's Alex's shout...
- 12 Oct 2015
- Fingers crossed for Ashwin Srinivasan, whose PhD has been selected as one of the two NSW representatives for the Australian Institute of Physics Bragg Medal for best PhD thesis.
- 5 Oct 2015
- Well done to Roy Li and colleagues - their paper reporting the first observation of Pauli spin blockade of heavy holes in silicon has just appeared in Nano Letters! A preprint is available here.
- 14 Sept 2015
- Well done to Matt! His undergraduate honours experiments on magnetic focussing of holes in a GaAs nanostructure device, performed with Oleh Klochan, has been published as an open access Fast Track Communication in Semiconductor Science and Technology: Transverse magnetic focussing of heavy holes in a (100) GaAs quantum well, M Rendell, O Klochan, A Srinivasan, I Farrer, D A Ritchie and A R Hamilton, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 30, 102001 (2015). See
- 10 Aug 2015
- Another paper: Giordano Scappucci has published a really nice study comparing the structural and electronic properties of delta doped layers in Germanium, using weak localisation to map out the wavefunction overlap between adjacent layers of dopants and compare with atom probe and theoretical simulations: Bottom-up assembly of metallic germanium, by Giordano Scappucci, W. M. Klesse, LaReine Yeoh, D. J. Carter, O. Warschkow, N.A. Marks, D.L. Jaeger, G. Capellini, M.Y. Simmons, and A.R. Hamilton, Scientific Reports (vol 5, article 12948 (2015)). See
- 8 Aug 2015
- Karina Hudson and Oleh Klochan are off to Europe, to visit our collaborators at the University of Cambridge. Karina will be spending six weeks in Cambridge, developing new techniques for fabricating p-type nanostructure devices. Hopefully the English will be too restrained to mention Australia's recent world record performance in the Ashes.
- 5 Aug 2015
- Welcome to Shota Shirai, from Tohoku University in Japan, who is doing a Practicum on Nuclear spin coupling in the QED group.
- 3 Aug 2015
- Welcome to new PhD student Matthew Rendell.
- 27 Jul 2015
- Alex, Ashwin, LaReine and Oleh are presenting work at the International Conference on the Electronic Properties of Two Dimensional Systems (EP2DS) in Sendai, Japan. LaReine has a talk (congrats) on her work on non-collinear spin polarisation, while Oleh is presenting his work on nuclear spin effects, and Ashwin is presenting studies of unusual spin properties of 1D hole systems.
- 2 Jul 2015
- Welcome to Yizhou Sun, from USTC (China), who is doing a 3 month Practicum in the QED group with Dr. Oleh Klochan.
- 22 June 2015
- Welcome to Prof. Roland Winkler (author of the book on spin-orbit interactions in semiconductors) and Prof Ulrich Zuelicke, who are visiting again to work with QED and Dimi Culcer on more hole-some fun.
- 9 June 2015
- A step towards resolving the riddle of the "0.7 anomaly" in quantum point contacts. A new paper with our collaborators in Cambridge reports an amazingly comprehensive experimental study of 100 quantum point contacts, and finds that the behaviour of the anomalous conductance feature at 0.7x2e^2/h is consistent with the theory developed at by Oleg Sushkov's group at UNSW and Jan von Delft's group at LMU in Munich. For more details see Luke Smith L. W. Smith, H. Al-Taie, A. A. J. Lesage, F. Sfigakis, P. See, J. P. Griffiths, H. E. Beere, G. A. C. Jones, D. A. Ritchie, A. R. Hamilton, M. J. Kelly, and C. G. Smith, Dependence of the 0.7 anomaly on the curvature of the potential barrier in quantum wires, Physical Review B 91, 235402 (2015).
- 6 May 2015
- Well done to Jason Chen (QED alumnus) and Oleh Klochan - their paper on quantum point contacts that can be switched from electrons to hole conduction just by changing the gate bias has been published: J.C.H. Chen, O. Klochan, A.P. Micolich, K. Das Gupta, F. Sfigakis, D.A. Ritchie, K. Trunov, D. Reuter, A.D. Wieck, and A.R. Hamilton, Fabrication and characterisation of Gallium Arsenide ambipolar quantum point contacts, Applied Physics Letters 106, 183504 (2015).
- 27 Apr 2015
- Congratulations to Karina Hudson, who has won an ARCNN Overseas Travel Fellowship to go to the UK and work with our collaborators at the University of Cambridge.
- 13 Apr 2015
- Golrokh Akhgar, from Chris Pakes' group in LaTrobe, is visiting the QED group for 2 weeks to perform low temperature experiments.
- 19 Mar 2015
- Professor David Ritchie, head of the Semiconductor Physics group at the University of Cambridge, is visiting the QED group for 3 weeks.
- 20 Feb 2015
- Well done to Dr. Oleh Klochan - his study of the absence of coupling between hole and nuclear spins has been accepted for publication in the New Journal of Physics: O. Klochan, A.R. Hamilton, K. das Gupta, F. Sfigakis, H.E. Beere, and D.A. Ritchie, Landau level spin diode in a GaAs two dimensional hole system. A preprint is available at
- 29 Jan 2015
- Congratulations to Dr. Andrew See - his work in collaboration with A/Prof. Adam Micolich of the Nanoelectronics group, on controllably switching and resetting the disorder configuration in nanoscale devices has just been accepted for publication in Physical Review B. A preprint is available here:
- 27 Jan 2015
- Welcome to new PhD student Scott Liles.
- 19 Dec 2014
- Congratulations to Sarah and Andrew - their paper reporting a new hybrid architecture for making shallow accumulation mode AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure devices has just been accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters.
- 10 Dec 2014
- Alex Hamilton elected as a Fellow of the American Physical Society "for contributions to the understanding of quantum confined holes in low dimensional semiconductor structures". This wouldn't have been possible without the hard work of all members of the group - thank you, and the next round of drinks is on Alex!
- 8 Dec 2014
- Another paper in Nano Letters! Well done to Mark Edmonds and Oleh Klochan; their paper reporting direct evidence of the two dimensional nature of the surface conducting layer in hydrogen terminated diamond, with the observation of weak antilocalisation, has just been published in Nano Letters: SpinOrbit Interaction in a Two-Dimensional Hole Gas at the Surface of Hydrogenated Diamond, Mark T. Edmonds, Laurens H. Willems van Beveren, Oleh Klochan, Jiri Cervenka, Kumar Ganesan, Steven Prawer, Lothar Ley, Alexander R. Hamilton, and Christopher I. Pakes,
- 3 Dec 2014
- Congratulations to LaReine Yeoh. Ashwin Srinivasan and Oleh Klochan! Their paper on the strange magnetic properties of quantum confined holes, showing that a magnetic field applied in one direction can generate a spin polarisation at right angles to the applied magnetic field, has been published in Physical Review Letters: L.A. Yeoh, A. Srinivasan, O. Klochan, R. Winkler, U. Zülicke, M.Y. Simmons, D.A. Ritchie, M. Pepper, and A.R. Hamilton, Noncollinear Paramagnetism of a GaAs Two-Dimensional Hole System, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 236401 (2014).
- 10 Nov 2014
- Congratulations to Dr Ashwin Srinivasan on the award of his PhD, with outstanding referee reports.
- 5 Nov 2014
- Alex and Dimi Culcer are awarded a $613,000 ARC Discovery Grant to investigate the properties of hole quantum dots.
- 28 July 2014
- Shun-Tsung Lo, who visited us last year, has had his paper on " Transport in disordered monolayer MoS2 nanoflakesevidence for inhomogeneous charge transport published in Nanotechnology 25, 375201 (2014). Well done to Shun-Tsung, Oleh Klochan, and all the authors.
- 9 February 2014
- Another theory paper, in collaboration with colleagues in Italy, has appeared in Physical Review B Rapid Communications: Excitonic superfluidity and screening in electron-hole bilayer systems, by Perali, Neilson and Hamilton. The calculations show that electron-hole superfluidity can be achieved in double bilayer graphene devices, and answers a longstanding question about the suppression of superfluid pairing by screening (and vice versa).
- 10 February 2014
- Welcome to new Honours student Scott Liles.
- 7 February 2014
- Congratulations to Ashwin Srinivasan for winning a best poster prize at the 2014 Wagga Wagga meeting in Waiheke Island.
- 4 February 2014
- Alex, Ashwin and LaReine are off to Waiheke island in New Zealand for the 2014 Wagga Wagga meeting, where LaReine is going to talk about her recent work on quantum dots.
- 3 February 2014
- Oleh is off to Adelaide for the 2014 ICONN conference, where he is giving a talk on Hole Landau Level Spin Diodes.
- 7 January 2014
- Congratulations to Sarah, Andrew, Zach and Pat - their paper showing that high frequency measurements of undoped quantum dots are possible, despite what lumped circuit models predict, has just appeared in Applid Physics Letters:
S. J.!MacLeod, A. M. See, Z. K. Keane, P. Scriven, A. P. Micolich, M. Aagesen, P. E. Lindelof and A. R. Hamilton, Radio-frequency reflectometry on an undoped AlGaAs/GaAs single electron transistor, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 012114 (2014). It's also available on the arxiv preprint server.
- 25-29 November 2013
- The School of Physics is hosting the 2013 Gordon Godfrey Workshop on Spins and Strong Correlations.
- 18 November 2013
- Prof. Sir Michael Pepper from University College London is visiting for 2 weeks.
- 11 November 2013
- Prof. Marco Polini, NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR, Pisa, Italy, is visiting the group for 3 weeks.
- 17 October 2013
- Congratulations to Andrew See - his paper studying suppression of ground state transport in a GaAs induced n-type quantum dot has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (" A study of transport suppression in an undoped AlGaAs /GaAs single-electron transistor" by A. M. See, O. Klochan, A. P. Micolich, M. Aagesen, P. E. Lindelof and A. R. Hamilton).
- 8 November 2013
- Dr. Oleh Klochan has won an ARC Discovery Early Career Fellowship to study advanced nanostructured devices - way to go Oleh! In addition our collaboration with researchers in Electrical Engineering at UNSW, as well as colleagues at Monash and LaTrobe, was awarded a $560,000 Linkage Infrastructure grant to set up a scanning gate microscope facility.
- 8 October 2013
- Congratulations to Roy Li - his paper reporting the first silicon hole quantum dot compatible with conventional MOS technology has been accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters (" Single Hole Transport in a Silicon Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Quantum Dot").
- 28 August 2013
- Welcome to new PhD student Elizabeth Marcellina.
- 1-5 July 2013
- Daisy, Oleh, Roy and Alex are all presenting work at the 20th International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems (EP2DS -20) in the rather pretty town of Wroclaw, Poland. Alex's talk on compressibility studies of the "0.7 anomaly" in one-dimensional quantum wires was apparently listed as one of the conference highlights.
- 17 May 2013
- Congratulations to Daisy Wang on getting her paper accepted into Physical Review B. Daisy has shown that you can try to remove disorder from ultra-clean devices, but there's no such thing as a free lunch: Influence of surface states on quantum and transport lifetimes in high-quality undoped heterostructures D. Q. Wang, J. C. H. Chen, O. Klochan, K. Das Gupta, D. Reuter, A.D. Wieck, D. A. Ritchie, and A. R. Hamilton.
- 15 May 2013
- Welcome to PhD student Shun-Tsung Lo, visiting from Prof. Liang's group at the National Taiwan University. Shun-Tsung will be working with Oleh Klochan for the next 7 months on transport in atomically thin crystals.
- 14 May 2013
- Congratulations to Oleh Klochan - his latest paper on the Kondo effect in hole quantum dots has just been published as a Rapid Communication in Physical Review B. The paper is a result of a really nice collaboration Oleh has set up with theorists in Germany, to compare experimental and theoretical finite temperature scaling of the zero bias conductance peak. The preprint is available here: Scaling of the Kondo zero-bias peak in a hole quantum dot at finite temperatures, by O. Klochan, A. P. Micolich, A. R. Hamilton, D. Reuter, A. D. Wieck, F. Reininghaus, M. Pletyukhov, H. Schoeller.
- 11 April 2013
- A collaboration between the QED group and Andrew Dzurak's group in ANFF has demonstrated the first silicon single hole transistor using standard CMOS technology. The paper, " Single Hole Transport in a Silicon Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Quantum Dot" by Roy Li, Fay Hudson, Andrew Dzurak and Alex Hamilton is available on the preprint archive.
- 7 April 2013
- Andrew See is off to Italy, to attend the 2013 Capri Spring School on Transport in Nanostructures.
- 6 March 2013
- Another paper in Physical Review Letters, this time with our collaborators in Italy. Our prediction of artificially engineered superfluidity of electron-hole pairs in graphene samples has just been accepted for publication. The preprint is available here: High Temperature Superfluidity in Double Bilayer Graphene, by Andrea Perali, David Neilson, and Alex Hamilton.
- 5 March 2013
- Congratulations to Oleh Klochan and our collaborators in Cambridge: the paper " Ultra-shallow quantum dots in an undoped GaAs/AlGaAs 2DEG" by W. Y. Mak, F. Sfigakis, K. Das Gupta, O. Klochan, H. E. Beere, I. Farrer, J. P. Griffiths, G. A. C. Jones, A. R. Hamilton, and D. A. Ritchie has just been accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters.
- 15 February 2013
- Welcome to new Honours student Matthew Rendell.
- 21 January 2013
- Mark Edmonds, from LaTrobe University, is visiting the QED group once more.
- 21 Dec 2012
- Another paper in Nanoletters! Congratulations to Ashwin and LaReine on the acceptance of their paper "Using a tunable quantum wire to measure the large out-of-plane spin splitting of quasi two-dimensional holes in a GaAs nanostructure". Just in time for Christmas.
- 14 & 17 December 2012
- The QED group is attending a two-day workshop, CMP at the Coogee Bay for Condensed Matter Physicists in the Sydney region. Anyone interested is welcome to attend this relaxed, no-fee workshop at the spectacular Coogee Bay Hotel. Registration is free.
Roy, Ashwin, Daisy, LaReine, Andrew and Oleh all gave excellent talks at the Coogee Bay workshop - well done.
- 13 December 2012
- Daisy Wang and Alex Hamilton are giving talks at the 2012 AIP Congress in Sydney.
- 12 December 2012
- Oleh Klochan is giving at talk on his measurements of the Kondo effect in hole systems at the COMMAD conference in Melbourne.
- 10-14 December 2012
- Prof Barbaros Özyilmas, from the Graphene Research Centre at the National University of Singapore, is visiting the group.
- 3 December 2012
- Alex Hamilton is awarded a UNSW Scientia Professorship, which is UNSW's most prestigious Professorship.
- 25 November 2013
- Mark Edmonds, from LaTrobe University, is visiting the QED group to perform low temperature experiments on hole conduction at the surface of disingle crystal diamond. Better not lose that sample!
- 5 November 2012
- QED group and collaborators win two large infrastructure grants.
Well done to our collaborator Dane McCamey at the University of Sydney, who has won an $860,000 grant for a new electron spin resonance system.
Prof Nagarajan Valanoor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Prof. Hamilton in QED and collaborators at UNSW at ISEM in Wollongong, have also won a $200,000 grant for a new characterisation facility for advanced materials and devices.
- 26-27 July 2012
- Professor Michael Kelly FRS FReng from the University of Cambridge is visiting the group.
- 13 July 2012
- Welcome to new Honours student Karina Hudson.
- 11 July 2012
- Congratulations to Dr. Jason Chen on the award of his PhD.
- 4 July 2012
- Last drinks gentlemen please! Today is Jason's last day at UNSW. He'll soon be heading off to join Professor Fujisawa's laboratory at the Tokyo Institute of Technology as a postdoctoral researcher. Drinks at the Rege....
- 23 May 2012
- Much as we try to eliminate disorder in quantum devices, it is always there, and can sometimes have significant and unexpected effects, as this latest publication, in collaboration with the Universities of Oregon, Lund and Nottingham, shows:
Probing the sensitivity of electron wave interference to disorder-induced scattering in solid-state devices, B. C. Scannell, I. Pilgrim, A. M. See, et al, Physical Review B 85, 195319 (2012)
- 13 April 2012
- Congratulations to Dr. Andrew See on the award of his PhD. Sounds like it's time to head for Drinks at the Rege....
- 31 March 2012
- Another paper accepted for Physical Review Letters! Andrew See, Adam Micolich and co-workers show a new route to making incredibly stable quantum devices, and use magentoconductance fluctuations to provide a unique fingerprint of the random disorder in the device. Their results show for the first time that it is now possible to make devices behave identically before and after thermal cycling to room temperature. [[]["Impact of Small-Angle Scattering on Ballistic Transport in Quantum Dots"] Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 196807 (2012).
- 30 Jan 2012
- Congratulations to Jason Chen and Daisy Wang - their paper "Fabrication and characterization of ambipolar devices on an undoped AlGaAs /GaAs heterostructure", in which they report a new way of making quantum devices that can be switched from electrons to holes simply by changing a gate bias, has appeared in Applied Physics Letters. A very interesting piece of work that shows how little we know about holes.
- 26 Oct 2011
- The Vector Field Facility was officially opened by UNSW's DVC(R), Prof. Les Field, and the Dean of Science Prof. Merlin Crossley.
- 24-28 Oct 2011
- The 2011 Gordon Godfrey workshop on Spins and Strong Correlations was held at UNSW this year, with numerous international visitors spending time in the group.
- 5 Sept 2011
- Summer Vacation Scholarships valued at $3,800 each are available for high achieving higher year undergraduates to work in the QED laboratories over the Summer break. Details are available at Applicants should contact Prof. Hamilton or Dr. Klochan. The closing date for applications is 7October 2011.
- 18 Aug 2011
- Another paper in Physical Review Letters! Luke Smith from the University of Cambridge visited the QED group for 2 months last year to perform low temperature studies of the compressibility of one dimensional electron systems. The resulting paper Compressibility measurements of quasi-one-dimensional quantum wires has been accepted for publication in PRL.
- 15 Aug 2011
- Ashwin, LaReine and Oleh are off to the UK to work at the University of Cambridge for 4 weeks. They will be making new devices in the semiconductor clean rooms there. Have a good trip!
- 25 July 2011
- Welcome to new PhD student Daisy Wang. Daisy did an Honours project in the group, and is now looking at some of the strange (and not yet understood) scattering properties of holes in nanostructures.
- 25 July 2011
- Ashwin and Alex are in Florida attending the 19th International Conference on the properties of two dimensional systems, as well as presenting a talk and four posters.
- 15 July 2011
- Oleh Klochan's preprint reporting the first observation of Kondo effect in a spin-3/2 hole system is accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters (see also the preprint on the cond-mat arXiv: " Observation of the Kondo effect in a spin-3/2 hole quantum wire". Well done Oleh! Time for a slab (of beer) in the lab.
- 8 July 2011
- PhD student LaReine Yeoh wins a Nanotechnology Network scholarship to travel to the UK. She'll be working at theUniversity of Cambridge, making and testing some new devices with our collaborators in the Cavendish Laboratory.
- 5 July 2011
- Congratulations to Zach and Matt on the acceptance of their paper " Resistively Detected Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in n- and p-Type GaAs Quantum Point Contacts" for publication in Nano Letters. As Zach put it - "Drinks at the Rege?"
- 28 June 2011
- Another preprint is posted on the arXiv: This time Andrew demonstrates the critical (and often ignored) role of disorder in "ballistic" devices: " Probing the Sensitivity of Electron Wave Interference to Disorder-Induced Scattering in Solid-State Devices"
- 17 Feb 2011
- Welcome to new Honours students Spencer Russett and Pat Scriven, and new PhD student Roy Li.
- 17 Jan 2011
- Installation of the new vector field fridge has begun.
- 12 Jan 2011
- Welcome to new PhD student Sarah MacLeod, and congratulations to last years Honours students Matt Godfrey and David Waddington, both getting first class Honours.
- 1 Jan 2011
- Congratulations to Dr. Oleh Klochan and Dr. Zach Keane on the award of their UNSW Early Career Researcher grant.
- 17 Dec 2010
- We are hosting an informal one day workshop for students and junior researchers: Condensed Matter Physics at the Coogee Bay Hotel - see website for details.
- 15 Dec 2010
- Jason Chen won best poster prize at the 2010 COMMAD conference - way to go Jason!
- 13-15 Dec 2010
- Adam, AdamB, Alex, David, Jason, Matt and Oleh are at the 2010 COMMAD conference in Canberra.
- 9 Dec 2010
- Professor David Ritchie, from the University of Cambridge, is visiting the QED group for two weeks.
- 7 Dec 2010
- Congratulations to Dr Lap-hang Ho, on the award of his PhD.
- 21 Nov 2010
- A/Professor Ulrich Zuelicke, from Massey University, is visiting the QED group for two weeks.
- 23 Sept 2010
- Congratulations to LaReine Yeoh and Ashwin Srinivasan - their paper Piezoelectric rotator for studying quantum effects in semiconductor nanostructures at high magnetic fields and low temperatures, based on their Honours project work, has just been accepted for publication in the Review of Scientific Instruments.
- 20 Sept 2010
- High achieving final year undergraduate students interested in a PhD at UNSW can get free flights to Sydney and accommodation to come and check us out. Applications to visit UNSW are open now, and should be placed well before 15 October
- 3 Sept 2010
- Bienvenue to Luke Smith, from the University of Cambridge. Luke has arrived with boxes full of samples to measure in the QED labs over the next 6 weeks.
- 27 July 2010
- Welcome to new Honours student Daisy Wang.
- 19 July 2010
- Welcome to new PhD student Rifat Ullah.
- 19 July 2010
- UNSW announces a limited number of 3-year junior level VC Postdoctoral Fellowships for international researchers with an exceptional track record. The closing date is 24 August, but potential applicants will need to get in touch well before then.
- 25 June 2010
- New Lecturer / Senior Lecturer position announced in theoretical condensed matter physics.
- 24 June 2010
- Another paper in Applied Physics Letters (well done Lap-Hang!):
Lap-Hang Ho and colleagues describe how to use bilayer two-dimensional electron systems as sensitive electrometers:
L. H. Ho, L. J. Taskinen, A. P. Micolich, A. R. Hamilton, P. Atkinson, and D. A. Ritchie, Electrometry using the quantum Hall effect in a bilayer two-dimensional electron system, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 212102 (2010).
- 1 March 2010
- Welcome to new Honours students Matt Godfrey, David Waddington and Max Williams.
- 17 Feb 2010
- Two papers reporting a new way to make both electron and hole quantum dots that eliminates the main source of charge noise in quantum dots, have been accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters:
i) A.M. See, O. Klochan, A.M. Hamilton, A.P. Micolich, M. Aagesen, P.E. Lindelof, AlGaAs/GaAs single electron transistors fabricated without modulation doping, reports electron quantum dots.
ii) O. Klochan, J.C.H. Chen, A.P. Micolich, A.R. Hamilton, K. Muraki, and Y. Hirayama, Fabrication and characterization of an induced GaAs single hole transistor, reports the first hole quantum dots formed without modulation doping.
Well done Oleh and Andrew!
- 4 Feb 2010
- Welcome to Cécile Héraudeau, on exchange from Ecole Centrale Paris for her Student Practicum.
- 1 Feb 2010
- Welcome to new PhD students Ashwin Srinivasan and LaReine Yeoh, already off to a flying start.
- 15 Dec 2009
- Congratulations to Ted and Alex: Field-orientation dependence of the Zeeman spin-splitting in InGaAs quantum point contacts, T. P. Martin, A. Szorkovszky, A. P. Micolich, A. R. Hamilton, C. A. Marlow, R. P. Taylor, H. Linke and H.Q. Xu, has been accepted as a Rapid Communication in Physical Review B.
- 1 Dec 2009
- David Waddington and Patrick Scriven join the group for their summer vacation scholarships.
- 9 Nov 2009
- Welcome to Dr. Adam Burke, who joins the QED group from Arizona State University.
- 25-29 Oct 2009
- UNSW is hosting the 2009 Gordon Godfrey Workshop on Spins and Strong Correlations.
- 25 Oct 2009
- Welcome to Dr. Zach Keane, who joins the QED group from Rice University USA.
- 5 Oct 2009
- Congratulations to Adam Micolich on his well-deserved promotion to Associate Professor.
- 29 Sept 2009
- A new paper on our hole quantum wires is posted on the preprint archive:
Observation of orientation- and k-dependent Zeeman spin-splitting in hole quantum wires on (100)-oriented AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures by J.C.H. Chen, O. Klochan, A.P. Micolich, A.R. Hamilton, T.P. Martin, L.H. Ho, U. Zuelicke, D. Reuter, A.D. Wieck.
- 9 Sept 2009
- Congratulations to Adam Micolich on the award of a highly competitive ARC Future Fellowship to enhance his work on quantum electronics. A huge achievement.
- 17 Aug 2009
- "Hell yeah" says Lap-hang as his paper Ground-plane screening of Coulomb interactions in two-dimensional systems: How effectively can one two-dimensional system screen interactions in another (L.H. Ho, A.P. Micolich, A.R. Hamilton and O.P. Sushkov) is accepted for publication in Physical Review B. Good work!
- 13 Aug 2009
- Jason Chen and Oleh Klochan are in Cambridge for 4 weeks to work with collaborators at the Cavendish Laboratory, and enjoy the English summer.
- 30 July 2009
- The 2009 Gordon Godfrey Workshop on Spins and Strong Correlations will be held at the University of New South Wales from 26-29 October 2009, with a plethora of international speakers. See the workshop website for details.
- 19 July 2009
- Adam Micolich, Oleh Klochan, Jason Chen and Lasse Taskinen are all in Japan for the week, eachat the 18th International Conference on the Electronic Properties of 2 Dimensional Systems (EP2DS-18).
- 13 July 2009
- Two awards for QED researchers: Dr. Oleh Klochan wins a $3000 travel award from the ARC Nanotechnology Network to visit the University of Cambridge for a joint research project. Jason Chen is awarded a scholarship to allow him to present his work at the 18th International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems (EP2DS-18) in Kobe, Japan.
- 19 Jun 2009
- The work of Honours students Sarah MacLeod and Karl Chan, together with Dr. Ted Martin, has been accepted for publication in Physical Review B. It's a nice examination of impurity scattering in two-dimensional systems, showing how previous treatments have made some unphysical assumptions. With their improved approach Karl, Sarah and Ted are able to get extremely good agreement of their theory with experimental data obtained by Andrew See. Have a read: The role of background impurities in the single particle relaxation lifetime of a two-dimensional electron gas, S. J. MacLeod, K. Chan, T. P. Martin, A. R. Hamilton, A. See, A. P. Micolich, M. Aagesen, and P. E. Lindelof, accepted for Physical Review B.
- 15 Apr 2009
- Another paper on 1D holes, which neatly clears up some controversies in the field, has just been published in the New Journal of Physics: " The interplay between one-dimensional confinement and two-dimensional crystallographic anisotropy effects in ballistic hole quantum wires" by O Klochan, A P Micolich, L H Ho, A R Hamilton, K Muraki and Y Hirayama. Well done all.
- 2 Apr 2009
- The QED group has an opening for a Senior Research Associate to work on hole nanoelectronics.
- 11 Mar 2009
- Our paper " The 0.7 anomaly in one-dimensional hole wires" has been selected by the Editorial Board of the Journal of Physics C as one of the top papers of 2008, based on the number of downloads. See the special edition here, which also gives free access to the paper throughout 2009.
- 5 Mar 2009
- Adam Micolich has won the Edgeworth David Medal, a prestigious early career award made by the Royal Society of New South Wales. The medal is awarded annually to a scientist under the age of 35 for distinguished contributions to Australian science. Previous winners include palaeontologist and former Australian of the year, Tim Flannery, and the world-leading solar cell physicist, Martin Green. Full story here.
- 8 Feb 2009
- Adam Micolich has been invited to give a lecture at the 4th Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology conference in Dunedin, New Zealand. Jason Chen has also been awarded a UNSW travel scholarship to present his work at the conference.
- 5 Dec 2008
- The QED group is awarded new MREII funding to maintain and upgrade equipment in 2009.
- 25 Nov 2008
- The QED group wins an ARC Linkage grant for new cryogenic equipment.
- 22 Oct 2008
- Today's Australian Higher Ed has an article by Adam Micolich about the use of YouTube in physics teaching.
- 15 Oct 2008
- The QED group wins a $350,000 ARC Discovery Grant to study spins in hole devices.
- 14 Oct 2008
- Lasse Taskinen's paper on high speed, high sensitivity measurements of 2D hole systems has been accepted for publication in Review of Scientific Instruments: Radio-frequency reflectometry on large gated 2-dimensional systems.
- 23 Sept 2008
- A really interesting opinion piece by Adam Micolich has just appeared on the Faculty of Science website: How I learned to stop worrying and love YouTube. The full article can also be downloaded from the preprint server:
- 21 Sept 2008
- Adam completed the Blackmore's Bridge run on the weekend, despite a sprained ankle and advice from his Physio. And managed to complete the 9km run in a shade over 50 min!
- 6 Sept 2008
- New PhD projects are available for making and studying semiconductor nanostructures to study spin-orbit coupling and spintronics applications in both electron and hole nanostructures.
- 11 July 2008
- Welcome to new PhD student, Sebastian Fricke, who has joined the group from Germany.
- 4 July 2008
- Ted Martin wins a prize for his poster presentation at the International Conference on Electronic Materials.
- 20 June 2008
- Congratulations to Ted and Alex S. on getting their paper on spin-splitting in narrow bandgap quantum wires accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters:Enhanced Zeeman splitting in Ga0.25 In0.75 As quantum point contacts, T. P. Martin, A. Szorkovszky, A. P. Micolich, A. R. Hamilton, C. A. Marlow, H. Linke, and R. P. Taylor, and L. Samuelson. Preprint available here.
- 16 June 2008
- Farewell to Dr. Oleh Klochan, who is leaving the group to take up a position at the famous Delft Technical University - Good luck Oleh.
- 1 April 2008
- The competition is really heating up: Now it's Lap-hang's turn, with a new paper accepted for physical Review B Rapid Communications:
Effect of screening long-range Coulomb interactions on the metallic behavior in two-dimensional hole systems by L.H. Ho, W.R. Clarke, A.P. Micolich, et al. Well done all!
- 3 March 2008
- Welcome to six new and old students for Session 1 in 2008. Karl Chan and Alex Szorkovsky are back for more physics Honours fun, and are joined by Jeremy Badcock. Dan Ong and Sam Yick join the group for their Nano Honours projects, and Stephan Strahl is doing an exchange program from Regensburg.
- 28 Feb 2008
- Not to be outdone, Ted Martin has just had his paper "Confinement properties of a Ga0.25In0.75As/InP quantum point contact," accepted for publicaton in Physical Review B. Nice work!
- 27 Feb 2008
- Congrats to Sarah for her paper on "Single particle and momentum relaxation times in two-dimensional electron systems", which has appeared in Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6800, 68001L, (2008). This is the culmination of her Honours thesis, and quite an achievement (and a small step to Dr. X's sweet, sweet office).
- 25 Feb 2008
- Adam, Lasse, Ted and Oleh are in Melbourne this week to attend the 2008 International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Ted is giving a talk on"Coupling of electron quantum interference effects in arrays of hard-walled semiconductor cavities" and Oleh is talking about "Hole transport in undoped one dimensional quantum wires". Lasse is presenting a poster on phonon coupling in metallic wires, and Adam is organising & chairing the Australian Research Council Nanotechnology Network ECR/Postgraduate Student Symposium (as well as chairing one of the Nanoelectronics symposia).
- 11 Jan 2008
- Another Paper in Physical Review Letters! " 0.7 Structure and Zero Bias Anomaly in Ballistic Hole Quantum Wires" by Romain Danneau, Oleh Klochan, Warrick Clarke, Lap-Hang Ho, Adam Micolich, Michelle Simmons, Alex Hamilton et al has just been published (Phys. Rev. Lett., 100, 016403 (2008)). Congratulations to everyone!
- 31 Sept 2007
- " An improved process for fabricating high-mobility organic molecular crystal field-effect transistors" by Adam Micolich, Laurence Bell (Hons. student), and Alex Hamilton has just been published in the Journal of Applied Physics, 102, 084511 (2007).
- 27 Sept 2007
- New PhD projects ( QED PhD positions.pdf) are available for making and studying semiconductor nanostructures to study spin-orbit coupling and spintronics applications in both electron and hole nanostructures.
- 26 Sept 2007
- The QED group has done really well in this year's ARC funding, winning a 3-year $380k Discovery grant on nanospintronics, a 3-year $80K Linkage International grant and a $440k Linkage Infrastructure grant to commence in 2008.
- 15 Sept 2007
- The QED group gets another paper in a high impact journal! Warrick Clarke's paper Impact of long- and short-range disorder on the metallic behaviour of two-dimensional systems has been accepted for publication in Nature Physics. NP has an impact factor of 12, so that's pretty good. But then it's a pretty good paper - well done all.
- 10 Sept 2007
- Ulrich Zuelicke, our collaborator in New Zealand, wins Massey University's largest Marsden grant, NZ$800k, to study zitterbewegung - way to go Uli.
- 23 July 2007
- Three new Honours students join the group: Alex, Karl, and Rifat (back again).
- 15 July 2007
- Lap-hang, Ted and Alex are off to Genoa, Italy, to attend the 17th international conference on the Electronic Properties of 2-Dimensional Systems.
- 3 July 2007
- Congratulations to Adam Micolich on his promotion to Senior Lecturer.
- 2 July 2007
- Welcome to Dr. Lasse Taskinen, who has joined the group from the University of Jyväskylä in Finland.
- 29 June 2007
- Rifat and Sarah have submitted their Honours theses - well done, and now get some sleep!
- 17 May 2007
- Sarah has been given a scholarship to attend a summer school in the Netherlands - have fun!
- 27 Mar 2007
- Prof Alexander Korotkov is visiting the group.
- 21 Feb 2007
- Three new Honours students join the group: Sarah (back again!), Dan, and Rifat. Congratulations also to Jason on his degree results and for obtaining an Australian Postgraduate Award.
- 5 Dec 2006
- Adam Micolich gives a Keynote speech on "New Routes to Organic Devices" at the 2006 Australian Institute of Physics Congress in Brisbane. Laurence Bell also presents a rather nice poster on his Honours project at the conference.
- 21 Nov 2006
- Welcome to Dr. Ted Martin, who has joined the group from the University of Oregon.
- 20 Nov 2006
- Dr Ulrich Zuelicke of Massey University's Institute for fundamental sciences is visiting the group as a Gordon Godfrey research Fellow for two weeks.
- 10 Nov 2006
- UNSW research developing quantum semiconductor devices that use holes instead of electrons has earned Associate Professor Alex Hamilton and the QED group the Australasian Science Prize for 2006. More details are on the faculty website, with a story on the groups research published in the current issue of Australasian Science.
- 27 Oct 2006
- Congratulations to Dr. Adam Micolich on scooping a prestigious Young Tall Poppy Science Award at NSW Parliament House for his work on fractal conductance fluctuations in quantum billiards and hybrid organic-inorganic superconductor materials. The Young Tall Poppy Program was established by the Australian Institute of Policy & Science to identify and acknowledge outstanding young Australian researchers. Rumour has it that Adam celebrated by buying a new bass guitar.
- 15 Oct 2006
- New PhD projects ( QED PhD positions.pdf) available in nanoscale quantum device fabrication and operation, and novel semiconducting and superconducting plastics.
- 11 Oct 2006
- Dr. Adam Micolich and A/Prof Alex Hamilton win the Universitys largest Discovery Project Grant $1.3 million for research on the quantum properties of GaAs nanostructures. The award includes a five year ARC Professorial Fellowship for A/Professor Hamilton.
- 11 Oct 2006
- Superconductivity in metal-mixed ion-implanted polymer films: Dr. Adam Micolich and colleagues at the University of Queensland report their discovery in Applied Physics Letters 89, 152503 (2006).
- 30 Aug 2006
- Another publication on our hole quantum wires appears in Applied Physics Letters 89, 092105 (2006), as part of a collaboration with NTT Basic Research laboratories in Japan. This time Oleh Klochan and Warrick Clarke report a new way of making ultra-stable hole quantum wires.
- 14 Aug 2006
- The 2005 UNSW School of Physics annual report has been released. It includes summaries of our research on organic devices, and electrical transport in hole quantum wires.
- 6 Aug 2006
- A/Prof. Hamilton is in Hanoi presenting a summary of the group's work on p-type quantum wires.
- 26 July 2006
- PLENTY OF NOTHING: a hole new quantum spin is a media release for the popular press about our recent work.
- 24 July 2006
- PhD student Oleh Klochan and Dr. Romain Danneau are in Vienna, each giving a talk on their work on hole quantum wires at the 28th International Conference on the Properties of Semiconductors (ICPS-28).
- 14 July 2006
- Romain Danneau and co-workers report the discovery of extreme anisotropy in the response of a one-dimensional hole quantum wire to an external magnetic field in this week's edition of Physical Review Letters ( Our work is the first to show that one-dimensional hole systems are quite different to one-dimensional electron systems due to the strong coupling between spin and momentum. In addition to the fundamental significance, potential applications may include all-electrical manipulation of spin, and new spintronic devices.
- 2 July 2006
- Adam Micolich is in Dublin, to give a talk on "Superconductivity In Ion-Beam Metal Mixed Polymers".
- 14 Mar 2006
- Congratulations to Dr. Warrick Clarke on his "admission to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy", with an excellent thesis.
- 14 Mar 2006
- Applications for the Senior Research Fellow position have now closed.
- 24 Jan 2006
- Our new technique for fabricating very low-disorder p-type heterostructure devices is published (W.R. Clarke et al Journal of Applied Physics 99, 023707 (2006)).
- 5 Jan 2006
- The first report of clean conductance quantisation in one dimensional hole systems, and the anomalous feature at 0.7 of the conductance quantum is published (R. Danneau et al, Applied Physics Letters 88, 012107 (2006)).
- 21 Dec 2005
- Carlin Yasin's work on interaction corrections to the Hall effect in two dimensional electron and hole systems has been accepted for publication as a Rapid Communication in Physical Review B ( Phys. Rev. B 72, 241310(R)). Well done all!
- 9 Nov 2005
- Congratulations to Dr. Romain Danneau, who has won a $340,000 ARC Postdoctoral Fellowship and Discovery Project to study "electronics with spin".
- 31 Oct 2005
- Dr Ulrich Zuelicke of Massey Universities Institute for fundamental sciences is visiting the group as a Gordon Godfrey research Fellow for three weeks.
- 30 Sept 2005
- Congratulations to Warrick Clarke, who has submitted his PhD thesis and is off for a well-earned break.
- 31 July 2005
- The 2004 UNSW School of Physics annual report has been released. It includes summaries of our research on superconducting and organic devices, and low dimensional GaAs devices.
- 10 July 2005
- The first observation of clean conductance quantisation and the "0.7-anommaly"in a one-dimensional p-type quantum wire is reported by Dr. Romain Danneau at the 16th International Conference EP2DS-16 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Click here for a preprint of this work.
- 16 April 2005
- Our new technique for fabricating low-disorder p-type heterostructure devices is published in the Microelectronics journal.
- 10 Feb 2005
- Warrick Clarke's study of the effect of the symmetry of the confining potential on excitonic bilayer quantum Hall states is published as a Rapid Communication in Physical Review B
- 14 Dec 2004
- Sean McPhail's detailed study of weak localisation in high quality two-dimensional systems is published in Physical Review B
- 12 Dec 2004
- Warrick Clarke presents his work on novel p-type GaAs heterostructure devices at the fifth international conference on low dimensional structures and devices (LDSD 2004) in Cancun, Mexico.
- 17 Nov 2004
- QED group attracts significant new funding from the Australian Research Council: Alex Hamilton is awarded a $440k ARC Discovery Grant to study organic and inorganic nanostructures with NTT Basic Research Laboratories, the University of Cambridge, the Niels Bohr institute in Denmark, and Boise State University. Adam Micolich is awarded $345k to study ion-implanted polymers with colleagues at the University of Queensland.
- 31 July 2004
- The 2003 UNSW School of Physics annual report has been released, and includes summaries of our research on organic and inorganic devices.
- 14 Jan 2004
- Dr Romain Danneau, formerly at the Centre de Recherches sur les Très Basses Températures in Grenoble, joins the Group.
- 1 Jan 2004
- Congratulations to Michelle Simmons on her promotion to full professor.
- 31 July 2003
- The UNSW School of Physics annual report has been released
- 7 July 2003
- Applications for the postdoctoral positions have closed and we are currently interviewing candidates.
- 24 March 2003
- Adam has been awarded a significant University capital grant. This will enable us to pursue new research on organic devices.
- 20 March 2003
- Michelle Simmons awarded an ARC Federation fellowship to continue her work on condensed matter physics.
- 14 Feb 2003
- We are advertising for two postdoctoral positions
- 20 Sept 2002
- We have exciting projects available for PhD and Honours students - see our research page for project areas, as well as the two posters below.
- 8 Aug 2002
- Warrick won the UNSW School of Physics poster competition with his poster.
- 7 Aug 2002
- Alex was promoted to Associate Professor.
- 11 July 2002
- Carlin won first prize for her poster " at the Australian Institute of Physics Biennial congress, in Darling Harbour, Sydney.