Quantum Electronic Devices

Welcome to the web page of the Quantum Electronic Devices group in UNSW's School of Physics

The Quantum Electronic Devices group (@QEDUNSW) is part of the Condensed Matter department in UNSW's School of Physics in the heart of Sydney. We are a key laboratory in the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Future Low Energy Electronics Technologies.

Our research examines the fundamental properties of low dimensional systems realised in advanced semiconductor devices, and the development of new semiconductor and superconducting devices.


Explainer videos

Atomic layer deposition The 'wet' dilution fridge Dipping samples in liquid helium

Current Opportunities

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News (more updates on @QEDUNSW)

18 Mar 2024
Congratulations to Jonathan Wendoloski on being awarded the School of Physics Prize for 4th Year Theoretical Physics - well done Jono!
12 Feb 2024
Congratulations to Daniel Halverson and Pavitraa Hathi on being awarded $15,000 CSIRO Honours Student Scholarships to undertake research projects in the QED group.
26 Aug 2023
We have multiple undergraduate research projects available for highly motivated students to come and see what it is like to work in a cutting edge research laboratory, on topics ranginfg from experimental studies of the Quantum Hall effect at ultra-low temperatures through to artificial quantum matter and high speed operation of spin qubits. Summer vacation scholarships are available, as well as in-term Taste of Research projects. We are especially encouraging women to apply. Please see QedJoinUs for details.
27 July 2023
Congratulations to Scott Liles and Joe Hiller on being awarded a UNSW Faculty of Science Translation Impact Seed grant to develop new hardware for controlling ultra-fast hole spin qubits, with partner Diraq.
4 July 2023
Our latest collaboration with the amazing theory teams at UNSW is now on the preprint archive: Abhikbrata Sarkar, Zhanning Wang, et al, Electrical operation of planar Ge hole spin qubits in an in-plane magnetic field https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.01451
9 May 2023
Prof Hamilton is awarded a $3.8M Inaugural Industry Laureate Fellowship by the Australian Research Council, to work with industry partner Diraq on developing silicon CMOS quantum computer technology that uses both electrons and holes. Although it's called a fellowship, it is really recognition of the amazing team at UNSW, and all our collaborators.
15 Mar 2023
Congratulations to Aaquib Shamim, winner of the $500 People’s Choice Award, for his poster "Pauli Spin Blockade and g-factor Anisotropy in Hole Si CMOS Double Quantum Dot" at the Sydney Quantum Academy's 'Quantum Australia' conference https://twitter.com/QEDUNSW/status/1633664732111720448?s=20.

Topic revision: r141 - 04 May 2024, AlexHamilton