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The Mopra Carbon Monoxide Survey of the Southern Galactic Plane

This wiki provides information about the molecular gas survey of the southern galactic plane being conducted with the Mopra millimetre-wave telescope in Coonabarabran, New South Wales, Australia. The survey is designed to map the distribution and dynamics of the carbon monoxide molecule (CO) along a 35 degree sector of the Galactic Plane, from l=305-340 degrees. The principal scientific motivation is to understand how molecular clouds are formed in space. The data will be combined with similar survey data collected on the sub-millimetre neutral carbon line (C) with the Nanten2 telescope in Chile, and the terahertz ionized carbon line (C+) from the balloon-borne Stratospheric Terahertz Observatory (STO) in Antarctica, so as to build a picture of the distribution and motion of the principal forms of carbon in the interstellar medium. Taken together, these three species will provide a picture of where and how molecular clouds are being formed over many kilo-parsecs of our Galactic Plane.